If you become aware of opportunities for either internal or external funding, please let me know.
Funding opportunities
Please add any fellowships or scholarships here:
You are trying to convince a panel that:
- your idea is brilliant and “transformative” for the field.
- you have the unique skills necessary to bring this project to life.
- the project is doable within the granting period.
💡 Don’t underestimate the importance of being confident and believing in yourself while you’re writing.
General tips
- Check the application details early. Information may be hidden in the templates and formatting of the actual application form.
- Have a solid understanding of the foundational research in the area that you’re writing a proposal for. This is necessary to properly identify gaps in the field. See Review the Literature for details.
- Try to avoid jargon. The work should be explained in a straight forward way, it’s hard to predict the expertise of who will be reviewing your application.
- Consider following the traditional outline of:
- Background
- Summary sentence within the first paragraph. Such as: “Here, I will show..”
- Methods
- Make sure these are very clear, even list specific equipment. The reviewers want to be sure you actually know how you’ll do what you’re proposing.
- Results
- Discussion
- Have multiple people review and edit your application. Be sure to send reviewers a specific list of what the granting agency is looking for.