Communicating with Christina

My expectations of you

<aside> 🚨 If there is any sort of emergency, please call my phone directly. If I don’t pick up, please send a text with the details.


Requesting a short response from me

Feel free to message me directly over the Slack channel for the quickest response. Please limit this to urgent requests or short responses.

Requesting a long response from me

Please send emails. In your emails if you are requesting multiple items, please list them in either a bulleted or numbered list so that I don’t miss something. If there is a time sensitive item, please include the deadline date and time. I will acknowledge the receipt of your email within 1-2 days with my action plan. Please always feel free to send a follow-up email.

<aside> 💡 I appreciate and admire effective communication on all fronts. I prefer emails as I can be more organized in responding through that interface, but let me know if you have a system that works well for you.


Requesting a meeting

You can always stop by my office to see if I’m free to talk as well. To get a meeting on my schedule, please send me a when2meet with the dates/times of your requested meeting. Please let me know if the meeting will be half an hour or one hour.

Sharing documents

Please send all documents over email.

Communicating with other lab members

Ask others what methods they prefer most. We will use Slack channels to hold discussions about specific topics.