One-on-one meetings
- We will meet weekly for 30 minutes.
- All meeting participants should be on time. If members cannot attend meetings, they should give notice at least 24 hours in advance.
- If lab members anticipate needing a one-on-one meeting of more than half an hour, they should schedule with Dr. Harvey in advance. One-off meetings can be arranged by contacting Christina over email or Slack.
- Prior to meetings access the template powerpoint in the shared Box folder in the “MeetingSlides” folder and fill in the following four slides:
- Success
- Works in progress
- Things to do
- Questions
- Save your slides in the MeetingSlides folder using the naming convention: “yy_mm_dd_lastname.pptx”
- Following the meeting return to the slides and write down a bullet point recap of the discussion.
Lab meetings
- All meeting participants should be on time. If members cannot attend meetings, they should give notice at least 24 hours in advance.
- All members should give their respect and attention to presenters during group meetings. If other work must be attended to, lab members should take care not to distract others or the presenters.
- Lab members are expected to present bi-annually on their research in group meetings.
- Members are expected to keep up with literature reviews.
- Lab members should take care to share constructive and thoughtful feedback during group meetings.
Journal club
- We will meet every two weeks to discuss a new journal article. Journal club will occur on the weeks that there is no lab meeting.
- We will alternate who is the discussion leader each meeting. The discussion leader will be responsible for suggesting an article at least one week in advance as well as keeping the discussion on flowing and on track.
- Publications discussed will be tracked.